This week on Build Your Foundations, we will continue our Mental Health Pause. Last week, it was mentioned that everyone has experienced some type of trauma. Most of our trauma is considered trauma with a lower-case t. Some of us have experienced trauma with a Capital T. This week, we will focus on trauma with […]
This month on Build Your Foundations, we will shift our focus from our Financials of Divorce Series and take this month to take a Mental Health Pause. If you have been paying any attention to the Olympics or the world news in general, Simone Biles has been in the headlines in recent weeks because she […]
On Build Your Foundations, we have been diving headfirst this month, into the Money Basics Series. So far, we have established the ABC’s of basic budgeting, setting financial goals such as eliminating debt and establishing credit. In our final week of the series, we will review another key component of money basics – the need […]
As we continue our Money Basics Series on Build Your Foundations, we have so far touched on the ABC’s of basic budgeting, setting financial goals, and eliminating debt. This week, we will focus on credit. A friend from Australia was sharing that when she came to the United States as a student, no one spoke […]
As we continue our money basics series on Build Your Foundation, we will continue to build on the ABC’s of Basic Budgeting, as well as setting financial goals. One financial goal you may consider setting is getting yourself out of debt.* Having debt can weigh heavily on your emotions and mental state of mind. With […]
Goal setting is not just about your fitness goals, your career goals but even in your financial goals, setting goals for your budget can give you structure and a clear vision of the direction you are currently heading and where you would like to go in the short-term, medium-term and long-term future. In last week’s […]
Can I get a show of hands out there, who works with a budget? Who actually enjoys working with a budget? Foundations Divorce is launching into our money basics series on Build Your Foundation and will start with the most basic item, the budget. I confess I hate working within a budget and I’m not […]
Do you wonder if you may be married to someone who is a high conflict personality and you do not know which steps to take next as you think about divorcing them? You know that with every step you take, it can either get you to the goal of finishing your divorce successfully with minimal […]
Getting divorced is one of the most stressful and emotionally overwhelming events in your life. It does not matter if you or your spouse initiates the divorce. Your whole world can be turned upside down and can trigger all the most painful and upsetting emotions you’ve ever experienced. Our lives are disrupted, our routines and […]
By Lara Brunstrom, Sterling Fire Coaching Often when we are under stress we talk about what’s going on. We talk to our family, friends, coworkers… sometimes anyone who will stay long enough to listen after all other options have been exhausted. I’m curious about how this helps … or if it is counterproductive. Studies […]